As you may or may not be aware, the Open Our Bibles Together with MFahring podcast’s third anniversary came and went without much fanfare earlier this week.
It’s pretty much been radio silence for OOBT since my unexpected surgery at the end of August. In all honesty, I haven’t even been back to the M&M Swick Shed since late-August. As you can tell, even with this anniversary post, I am not recording at the Shed but am instead using those English/Journalism skills I went to college for to write about my here and now.
Can I just come right out to say that it feels a bit off to celebrate the third anniversary of a podcast that is not currently in production?
I know God saw this particular anniversary and what it would look like in the real moments of my life just as much as He saw the previous two and even the number of future years we have for OOBT.
I’m not going to lie to you my sweet OOBTers… 2024 has been a lot with SO MUCH happening behind the scenes.
All this to say, I am continuing to follow the advice of my doctor and those closest to me in allowing myself time for rest and healing for not just my body but my heart and mind and soul… while also taking an honest look ahead at a couple of big projects for the Foundation I work for coming before year-end in addition to my role on the pastoral team at H2OChurch-Attica PLUS the upcoming busy holiday seasons in our family life (and all that those seasons will bring with the transitions we’ve experienced this year).
With all that in mind, I have prayerfully made the decision to return the podcast in January 2025. I do thank you for your patience with me, my OOBTers … Oh gosh how I love you, miss you, AND absolutely can’t wait for all of us to come back together in January to the pages of God’s Word as we resume our studies in the book of Leviticus.
In the meantime though, please review the links found here to previous podcast episodes if you’d like to join me as I too go back to listen to prior thankful and advent episodes of OOBT to fully prepare our hearts for both of these seasons as well as re-listening to all our studies to date in the book of Leviticus (to not only try to remember where we left off, but to also prepare for OOBT’s return).
Many thanks to all of you for your grace and patience and prayers in this season of rest and healing. You’re the best!
with much love,
// Show Notes //
MFahring’s Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/michelle.fahring/
MFahring’s Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/mfahring/
MFahring’s Website // https://mfahring.com/
MFahring’s Podcast Page on mfahring.com // https://mfahring.com/podcast/
MFahring’s About M on mfahring.com https://mfahring.com/about-m
OOBT // Episode 1 // Why a Bible Study Podcast // https://mfahring.com/why-a-bible-study-podcast/
OOBT // RE-AIR // https://mfahring.com/why-a-bible-study-podcast-2023-re-air/
OOBT // OOBT’s 50th Episode + 2nd Anniversary Celebration!! // https://mfahring.com/oobt-50thisode-2nd-anniversary-celebration/
Thanksgiving 2022 // https://mfahring.com/thankful-for-god-with-us-my-dad/
Thanksgiving 2023 // https://mfahring.com/once-again-thankful-for-god-with-us-my-dad/
Advent 2021 // https://mfahring.com/advent-waiting-for-the-messiah/
Advent 2021 // https://mfahring.com/advent-christ-our-savior-is-born/
Advent 2022 // https://mfahring.com/god-with-us-while-we-wait/
Advent 2022 // https://mfahring.com/the-awe-wonder-of-christ-our-saviors-birth/
Advent 2023 // https://mfahring.com/advent-rescue-came-down-his-name-is-emmanuel/
Advent 2023 // https://mfahring.com/advent-out-of-egypt-i-called-my-son/
OOBT LEVITICUS EPISODES (Prep now for OOBT’s return in January 2025)
Leviticus INTRO + 1 – 4 :: Drawing Near To Our Holy God //
Leviticus 5 – 7 :: The Holiness & Presence of Our God + Those Offerings //
Leviticus 8 – 11 :: Priestly Duties & God’s Presence in the Fire//
****Link for the My Must Have Study Resources PDF Freebie!!***
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