Hello and welcome back to the book of Leviticus my OOBTers!
Today OOBT is coming off the Advent season as well as a VERY long surgery recovery break. First off, before we go any further, I just want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for your patience with me in the process. I’m sooo glad to be back here with all of you as we pick up where we left off before that day I walked through the doors of the hospital a few months ago.
And, in being true to His nature, God doesn’t miss a beat in linking our studies in Leviticus with multiple themes I came across in my Advent studies this last month. I so love that about Him! God is helping us to not only see but also pull the threads no matter what season or book we find ourselves in. So good!
We also take on some pretty tough but important topics about purity, being clean/unclean, holiness, and very specific ways God cared for His people’s well-being. These chapters cover things like childbirth, skin diseases, and other bodily discharges—which might feel a little uncomfortable to read at first! Yikes! We got this right?! LOL!
I promise that together we will break down what these laws meant for the Israelites, why they mattered, and how they helped the community stay healthy and connected to our God who longs to draw near to them… and to us today. Most importantly, we’ll explore how these passages point us to Jesus, the One who brings true healing and restoration to all of our lives.
Honestly friends there is so much more in today’s episode…
I so hope you listen in to hear more!

// Show Notes //
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MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
OOBT Turns 3 + Show Update // https://mfahring.com/oobt-3rd-annivarsary/
Leviticus INTRO + 1 – 4 :: Drawing Near To Our Holy God //
Leviticus 5 – 7 :: The Holiness & Presence of Our God + Those Offerings //
Leviticus 8 – 11 :: Priestly Duties & God’s Presence in the Fire//
OOBT // Out of Egypt I Called My Son //
Bible Project // Guide to the Book of Leviticus
Bible Project // Book of Leviticus
Bible Project // Leviticus – Torah Series
First 5 // The Hard & The Holy - What the Book of Leviticus Means for Us Today // https://app.first5.org/book/Leviticus%20Today
First 5 // The Books of Leviticus & Hebrews //
She Reads Truth // Leviticus //
****Link for the How I Study the Bible PDF Freebie!!***
****Link for the My Must Have Study Resources PDF Freebie!!***
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