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I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
LOVE being a podcast host +
Bible study partner to many.


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Welcome back to the book of Leviticus, my OOBTers! Today, we’re diving into the ordination of the priests and how Jesus is Our Great High Priest. How He is right beside us. Never far off. Never distant as the priests of the Old Testament were from the Israelites. I just love that, don’t you? So […]

:: Leviticus 8 – 11 :: Priestly Duties & God’s Presence in the Fire

Open Our Bibles

Welcome to Summer 2024 my friends! Today we are going to go all the way back to the beginning of OOBT – dusting off EPISODE TWO and once again taking a listen to some of my fav tips and tricks about How I Study the Bible… as a refresher for many of us and maybe […]

Throwback Episode :: How I Study the Bible

Open Our Bibles

“Show me Your glory.” These words not only ended our last episode of OOBT but are also the ones we pick back up with today as well. Not only does Moses have the opportunity to see God’s glory, but he also comes back down from Mt. Sinai with a radiant face from spending time in […]

:: Exodus 34 – 36 :: The Glory & Presence of God

Open Our Bibles

In today’s chapters in Exodus, we take a deep dive into God’s directions to Moses about the priestly garments and the consecration of the priests. However, please know this … all of this is merely meant to point us to Jesus who is described in the New Testament as our Great High Priest. He is […]

:: Exodus 28 – 30 :: The Priests + Our Great High Priest Jesus

Open Our Bibles

Access My How I Study the Bible PDF Freebie

Access My Favorite Bible Study
Resources Page

just a few of m's

Access My Must Have Bible Study Resources PDF Freebie

tune into the show on apple podcasts!

I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
LOVE being a podcast host +
Bible study partner to many.


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How I Study the Bible


my must have bible study resources


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