Merriest ALMOST Christmas to all of you my OOBTers! It’s hard to believe this episode release happens less than one week before Christmas so let’s be sure we spend some time slowing our hearts and minds to lean into that story; to be fully prepared to celebrate that baby in the manger on Christmas Day.
With that thought in mind, how about we start our time in this episode in the Christmas story with the Passover and dedication of the firstborn…. Makes perfect sense right?! Well, I certainly hope it does by the end of our time together anyway. LOL! This connection leads us to an often overlooked part of Jesus’ birth story, his first visit to the Temple where Simeon and Anna met him. Oh, that one is such a beautiful example of God as our Promise Keeper. We’ll then move right into a part of the story that took place roughly two years after Jesus’ birth = the visit of the Wise Men, God warning Joseph in a dream to escape to Egypt for safety, King Herod’s massacre of the innocents, and then God later calling them back out of Egypt and to Nazareth where Jesus spent the rest of his growing up years.
We are also reminded once again that all of this… the light and the darkness, the hard and the good of the Christmas story, are all part of God’s rescue plan… the plan in existence and in process since that first sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Through it all, we see the threads of redemption and rescue weaved throughout the storyline of Christmas…actually the storyline of the entire Bible. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

// Show Notes //
:: The Christmas Story ::
Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12; Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20
:: The Christmas Story With Christmas Carols ::
The Census (Luke 2:1-5)
[Prophecy of Bethlehem: Micah 5:2]
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
Christ’s Birth (Luke 2:6-7)
Away in a Manger
Angelic Birth Announcement (Luke 2:8-12)
The First Noel
Glory in the Highest (Luke 2:13-20)
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
O Come Let Us Adore Him
A Search for the King (Matthew 2:1-8)
We Three Kings
Gifts of Worship (Matthew 2:9-12)
Joy to the World
Light in the Darkness (John 1:1-14)
Silent Night (Sing by Candlelight)
What are some things you are personally seeing in a new way/for the first time
from these verses after this reading of the Christmas story?
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OOBT // Advent :: Waiting for the Messiah //.2021
OOBT // Advent :: Christ Our Savior is Born // 2021
OOBT // Advent :: God With Us While We Wait // 2022
OOBT // Advent :: The Awe + Wonder of Our Savior’s Birth// 2022
The Whole Bible Story // Dr. William H. Marty
Advent: The Story of Christmas // Sherri Gragg
The Wonder of Advent // Lifeway
Star of Wonder // Angela Hunt
Our Hope Has Come // An Advent Bible Study // Lifeway
Pointing to the Promise // Proverbs 31 Ministries
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