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I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
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Open Our Bibles

:: Genesis 1 + 2 ::

January 19, 2022

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Have you ever wondered just why the universe God created is so gigantic? Join M as she shares what she learned when searching for an answer to this question as well as ties together multiple themes related to the creation account as found in Genesis 1+2. A Perfect Home. The Beginning of a Love Story. A Blank Page. Law and Order. The Trinity. A Trip Around the Sun. Rest. God-Blessed Rest. When not If. Sound a bit unrelated?! Be sure to listen in to find out how M connects it all together for us!

Michelle-Fahring-Open-Our-Bibles-with-mfahring-podcast_genesis 2_1

// Show Notes //

What are some things you are personally seeing in a new way/for the first time from these verses after this reading of Genesis 1+2?

MFahring’s Website //

MFahring’s Bible Study Resources //

MFahring’s Show Notes //

The Jesus Storybook Bible // Sally Lloyd-Jones

Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science // Louie Giglio

A Trip Around the Sun :: Nothing is Ordinary // Passion City Church // Louie Giglio

How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science // Louie Giglio

Isaiah 40-48

A Trip Around the Sun :: Amazingly Small // Passion City Church // Louie Giglio

:: Truthfully, while you are on YouTube, be sure to check out the other messages in the A Trip Around the Sun series as well. All are sooo good and definitely worth finding time for… reminding ourselves of God’s greatness in creation as well as His greatness in our lives is an important mindset … especially at the start of a new year… well, anytime actually. ::

Psalm 19

Rhythms of Renewal // Rebekah Lyons


What does Genesis 1:26-31 say about how and why God created humans? How are humans different than everything else?

Re-read Genesis 2:4-25. Briefly describe what Eden was like and the life that Adam and Eve enjoyed there. Please be sure to prep for the discussion at the beginning of our next episode by specifically focusing in on verses 7 & 25.


Let’s begin with a couple of questions for us to honestly gauge where we are at right now…

Are you tired?

Are you physically tired? Spiritually? Emotionally? Maybe all of those?

Now force yourself to choose just one. Where are you the most tired?

Why are you tired? What are some tangible things you can do to rest and restore in this area of your life?

Rest is often referred to as a discipline and an act of obedience. We often think of rest as crawling into bed and binge-watching a season of our favorite show, but true rest is something that fills our souls. While what fills my soul and draws me closer to God might not be the same as yours, it is valuable to take the time to consider how to take a Sabbath rest… Sunday is often considered the go-to for Sabbath but finding a day of the week that works best for you and your family is truly all that matters in this case.

Below are some general suggestions I came across to help us prepare for our day of rest::

  • Layout some books to read/look through along with a journal to jot notes in.
  • Do not use technology.
  • Prepare the food you and/or your family will need ahead of time.
  • Tidy up your house to be free of distractions.
  • Prepare the people in your life to join you or to respect this time.
  • Prepare a playlist of music for your home or whatever space you are resting in.
  • Consider what activities help your soul rest and do those things.

Now, rest and enjoy. Enjoy God’s presence through prayer, praise, worship. Enjoy the people in your life. Enjoy and reflect on God’s presence and provision in your life.

Most importantly, ENJOY!

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I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
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Bible study partner to many.


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