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I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
LOVE being a podcast host +
Bible study partner to many.


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Remember Egypt. These two words seem to adequately sum up the beginning of our studies on today’s episode of OOBT as we see God reminding the Israelites to remember their rescue … Oh gosh friends. What rescue or (if we’re being honest) RESCUES, would God ask you to remember my OOBTers? We’ve already seen God’s […]

:: Exodus 19 – 21 :: Ten Words For Them & Us

Open Our Bibles

Advent. A time to turn our attention toward preparing our hearts and homes to celebrate Jesus’ birth… prepare Him room so to speak. Today’s episode highlights some Old Testament threads, promises, and prophecies of the Rescuer who came down to the Israelites in Egypt just as our Rescuer came down in the form of the […]

:: Rescue Came Down – His Name is Emmanuel ::

Open Our Bibles

Grumbling. Complaining. Manna from Heaven. Bread of Life. Water from the Rock. Living Water. Rest. Provision. Moses’ Raised Hands. Victory Over the Amalekites. “The LORD is My Banner.” Jethro’s Visit + Zipporah and Their Sons Return to Moses. ((How about I just go ahead and say it right now… the more I read about the […]

:: Exodus 16 – 18 :: Don’t Go It Alone Moses

Open Our Bibles

Today on OOBT we find the phrase “Let my people go” on repeat. The reason why? Pharaoh’s hardened heart. Full stop. Over and over again we see God sending Moses and Aaron back to request Pharaoh let the Israelites go AND over and over again we hear Pharaoh refuse… just as God said he would. […]

:: Exodus 7 – 9 :: The Danger of Pharaoh’s Hard Heart

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tune into the show on apple podcasts!

I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
LOVE being a podcast host +
Bible study partner to many.


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How I Study the Bible


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