Hello and Welcome to this episode JAM PACKED FULL of ALL SORTs of celebrating OOBT’s 50th episode + 2nd ANNIVERSARY. Eek! Can you believe it!?!
For that reason, we promise you are in for a TREAT today on OOBT… and that sure does seem fitting since we are celebrating not one but TWO big milestones am I right?! Anyway, this episode finds me not just talking to the wall by myself but instead sharing the mic with my Podcast Editor + Coach (and great friend), Tammy Munson of Wildfire Creative, for what we lovingly call the Tammy Takeover. LOL! She asks all the questions today and I do my best to give all the answers about things both serious and silly related to me and to OOBT such as –
• The story of OOBT’s beginnings and just what that has to do with a pandemic.
• How Tammy and I met through Called Creatives. (Fun side note here: we have yet to meet in person, but I now consider her one of my closest + dearest friends + we can’t wait to officially get together for queso and chips… hopefully soon right Tam?!)
• How OOBT launched two years ago because of Moses and continues to this day because of things learned from Moses.
• Why our stories and the stories we find on the pages of God’s Word ALL MATTER.
• Some behind-the-scenes glimpses of the obstacles I continue to face and how I am pushing through them. (I so hope this part of the conversation encourages you as much as these reminders encouraged me personally… preaching to myself today I guess!)
• Annndddd then there’s my real-time processing of Tammy’s fun questions near the end… You certainly don’t want to miss those! Oh my! LOL!
• PLUS be sure to listen for the details about the recent release of a FREE guide created with all of you in mind … My Must Have Study Resources PDF is now available for download through the link in today’s show notes on mfahring.com! YAY!
Truthfully though, I am so over the top thrilled to reach this 50th episode + 2-year milestone by the grace of God + alongside each one of you. ANNNDDD I am EVEN MORE excited to see where our studies continue to take us together in the future of OOBT! WOW. Just wow.

// Show Notes //
MFahring’s Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/michelle.fahring/
MFahring’s Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/mfahring/
MFahring’s Website // https://mfahring.com/
Tammy + Wildfire Creative Company // https://wildfirecreativecompany.com/
WCC on Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/wildfirecreativeco/
MFahring’s Podcast Page on mfahring.com // https://mfahring.com/podcast/
MFahring’s About M on mfahring.com https://mfahring.com/about-m
OOBT // Episode 1 // Why a Bible Study Podcast // https://mfahring.com/why-a-bible-study-podcast/
OOBT // Episode 31 // Called to Go in 2023 // https://mfahring.com/called-to-go-in-2023/
OOBT // RE-AIR // https://mfahring.com/why-a-bible-study-podcast-2023-re-air/
Called Creatives // https://www.calledcreatives.com/
Lisa Unfiltered: I Feel Called But Don't Know Where to Start // JOE Podcast
MFahring’s Show Notes on mfahring.com https://mfahring.com/show-notes/
OOBT // :: Exodus 13 – 15 :: God Will Fight for Us // Moses’ Arms Held Up By Others
OOBT // Exodus 16 – 18 :: Don’t Go It Alone Moses // Moses + Jethro // 18:18
MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
OOBT // Episode 2 // How I Study the Bible // https://mfahring.com/how-i-study-the-bible-podcast/
Jess Connolly Podcast // https://www.jessconnolly.com/podcast
She Reads Truth Podcast // https://shereadstruth.com/podcast/
The Bible Recap // https://www.thebiblerecap.com/podcast
****Link for the My Must Have Study Resources PDF Freebie!!***
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