Hello again OOBTers! Join M as she takes us back to the beginning…well, the beginning book of the Bible anyway! Following our completion of the book of Job, we are heading back to Genesis. Specifically, we are diving back in at chapter 12 with a promise of God to Abram
(who will later be renamed Abraham).
Listen in as M discusses covenants, waiting, the unbreakable promises of God, and how not even one of God’s promises to Abraham remains unfulfilled. Did you hear that? Not a single one. Amazing!
So you may be asking, why should a set of ancient covenants in the Bible matter to us now? Because just like these people spent their lives waiting for God to fulfill his promises of redemption, we also find ourselves waiting. In our waiting, we can look to God’s covenants with Noah and Abraham and find hope. As it turns out, our lives may not be all that different from Noah and Abraham’s after all. Be sure to listen in to find out about all this and so much more in today’s episode of OOBT.

// Show Notes //
MFahring’s Website // https://mfahring.com/
MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
MFahring’s Show Notes // https://mfahring.com/show-notes/
Bible Project // Genesis 1-11 // Torah Series
Bible Project // Genesis 12-50 // Torah Series
Bible Project // Genesis 1-11 // Overview
Bible Project // Genesis 12-50 // Overview
The Bible Recap Podcast // Day 016
A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible // https://www.amazon.com/Visual-Theology-Guide-Bible-Knowing/dp/0310577969
First5 // Genesis // https://app.first5.org/book/Genesis
Spoken Gospel // https://www.spokengospel.com/books/genesis
Knowing the Bible: Genesis
Patriarchs // Beth Moore
The Jesus Bible // https://passionresources.com/collections/the-jesus-bible
She Reads Truth // Genesis
She Reads Truth Bible // https://shereadstruthbible.csbible.com/
40 Days Through the Bible: The Answers to Your Deepest Longings // Lysa TerKeurst & the Proverbs 31 Ministries Team
Abraham, Melchizedek, and Jesus // Bible Project // Article + Video
Who Was Melchizedek and What Is His Significance? // Bible Study Tools Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBPVLKzjask
God’s Unbreakable Promises // RightNow Media + Jennie Allen
God's Covenant with Abraham // Genesis 15 // Tim Keller
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