Today on OOBT we find the phrase “Let my people go” on repeat. The reason why? Pharaoh’s hardened heart. Full stop.
Over and over again we see God sending Moses and Aaron back to request Pharaoh let the Israelites go AND over and over again we hear Pharaoh refuse… just as God said he would. We also see on repeat the disaster and devastation Pharaoh’s hard heart brought upon Egypt. UNBELIEVABLE… especially when you consider what living through these plagues was like for the people…
all the people… including Moses and Aaron.
The Nile turned to blood. Frogs. Gnats. Flies. Death of Livestock. Boils. Hail. Whew! What a traumatic set of events! Unfortunately, there is even more devastation to come in our next episode, but we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves, should we?!
Oh, and be sure you don’t miss the run-through M shares near the end today to hear about all of those Egyptian gods OUR GOD was defeating…
one plague… one miracle… at a time.

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