Exodus 10-12 details the last three plagues of the ten plagues that fell upon Egypt because Pharaoh hardened his heart and refused to let the people of God go. Locusts infesting the entire land and devouring whatever food was left after the hail, total darkness that lasted for three days and could be “felt,” the 10th and final plague of the death of all the firstborns in Egypt… through all of this, we have a front row seat to see the power and authority of God over all of creation.
Then, in the middle of the night, an estimated 2-3 MILLION PEOPLE left Egypt together on foot… AND SO THE EXODUS BEGAN.
(Can you even imagine what that looked like? The magnitude of this exodus? How long that took? Somedays trying to get just 7 people out the door
of our home feels nearly impossible! LOL!)
Oh my OOBTers… Hopefully you are beginning to see this truth played out through each and every one of these plagues up to now…. God’s intent in the Exodus story is certainly to show Pharaoh and Egypt who the One true God is, but it is also to write on the hearts of His own people, the Israelites, that He is a faithful and trustworthy Deliverer without whose help no rescue was possible. Our God is a Deliverer + Rescuer. So beautiful.
Be sure to listen in to hear about all of this and so much more!

// Show Notes //
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MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
Bible Project // Book of Exodus Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1)
Bible Project // Exodus 1-18 – Torah Series
The Bible Recap // Day 033 // Exodus 13-15
SRT// Exodus // https://shereadstruth.com/plans/exodus/
SRT // Exodus // Week 2 with Margaret Feinberg //
First 5 // How Do I Get Through This? An Exodus Study //
First 5 // Exodus // https://app.first5.org/book/Exodus
God of Deliverance // Jen Wilken //
The Lamb of God: // Nancy Guthrie //
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