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I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
LOVE being a podcast host +
Bible study partner to many.


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As I promised at the end of our last episode of OOBT, we’re going to go back and take a re-listen to our bonus and prequel episode to Exodus from last summer (yep… a whole year ago!) because I really do believe that all I included in that one is going to mean so much […]

Throwback Episode :: BONUS + PREQUEL to EXODUS

Open Our Bibles

Welcome to OOBT’s 60th episode my friends!! Yep… you read that right… the big 6-0! Wow! Let’s take a moment today to celebrate that we’ve reached another milestone here on OOBT… in our studies together… we just keep moving right along on those thin crinkly pages and the episodes just keep on piling up, don’t […]

:: Exodus 31 – 33 :: God Equips the Called + That Golden Calf Incident

Open Our Bibles

Today’s studies on the podcast includes LOTS AND LOTS of details about God’s plans to create a tabernacle as a place for Him to dwell among His people here on earth. I don’t know about you but this idea of God dwelling with us reminds me of one of my most favorite things about God… […]

:: Exodus 25 – 27 :: God With Us in the Tabernacle

Open Our Bibles

Happiest of New Years to all of you my OOBTers! I’m so very glad to be back studying with you after a much needed break during the holiday season! However, I can assure you that I am now 100% ready to jump right into our studies as together we take a deeper dive into just […]

:: God’s Cross References + I AM’s Plans ::

Open Our Bibles

Access My How I Study the Bible PDF Freebie

Access My Favorite Bible Study
Resources Page

just a few of m's

Access My Must Have Bible Study Resources PDF Freebie

tune into the show on apple podcasts!

I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
LOVE being a podcast host +
Bible study partner to many.


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How I Study the Bible


my must have bible study resources


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