Welcome to Summer 2023 OOBTers! In today's episode, we are going to go all the way back to the beginning of OOBT as a refresher for many of us as well as maybe even a first-time listen for all of our new friends who have joined us along the way!
If finishing the book of Genesis has taught us anything, for sure it has shown us the importance of the beginnings of all things. With that in mind, let's revisit together just how this Bible study podcast even came to be. Join M as she discusses the why and who behind the creation of the Open Our Bible Together with MFahring podcast. You may be surprised to learn it has a whole lot to do with Moses’ conversation with God at the burning bush + a hard good that needed a surrendered yes.
ANNNDDD... be sure to check out the NEWLY UPDATED show notes with many MANY more additional resources than were found in the first time release of this episode + a link to another "beginning" episode (this time from the beginning of 2023!) that further develops both Moses' story and our own obedience to both the big and the small callings God places on each one of our lives. All this Moses talk is also the PERFECT setup for our upcoming studies in the book of Exodus! Sounds like a win-win right?!

// Show Notes //
BONUS questions + resources to consider + journal your responses to as mentioned in today’s episode of OOBT:
- Have you ever found yourself believing that past mistakes or even current situations disqualify you from being used by God? How might those same things be part of the very reason God chooses to use you in His kingdom?
- What rescue plan could be carried out through your obedience? What is your "now go"? What are you waiting for? Remember - rescue is waiting, through you and your gifts.
- Has God ever called you to fulfill a task that you weren’t qualified for? What happened?
- Looking back, how did God prepare you for what He has currently called you to do? Whether that’s ministry, being a parent, your job, discipleship, and so on.
MFahring’s Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/michelle.fahring/
MFahring’s Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/mfahring/
MFahring’s Website // https://mfahring.com/
MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
About M // https://mfahring.com/about-m
Confidence // Sanctus Real // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkXNickjoTk
You Are the Girl for the Job // Jess Connolly // https://www.jessconnolly.com/girl-for-the-job
Go & Tell Gals Podcast // https://www.goandtellgals.com/podcast
The Bible Study // Brand Sunday // https://www.thebrandsunday.com/
The Hard Good // Lisa Whittle // https://lisawhittle.com/good/
A Surrendered Yes // Rebekah Lyons // https://rebekahlyons.com/
OOBT // Called to Go in 2023 // https://mfahring.com/called-to-go-in-2023/
Restless // Jennie Allen //
Be sure to request the FREE Restless Book Club Kit (follow the link below) to find some of these valuable resources/questions in processing our callings + roles in God’s story. I promise it is SOOO worth the time my friends… here are a few of the questions/activities found within the kit. ((Side note: Be sure to request the Book Club Kit download and then listen in to the Made for This podcast episodes related to the Reckless Book Club for more insight and the actual worksheets to process through the questions laid out below.))
- Calling – What is God calling you to do?
- Trust – Why is it easier to trust God in some areas of your life, but not in others?
- God's Story – When you look at your life within the bigger story of God, what are your hopes for your place in it?
- Life Map – Plot your high and hard moments on a timeline.
- Gifts – Write down four moments you felt most alive. Why do you think you felt satisfied? (BONUS: links to a few spiritual giftings tests to help in determining your gifts in the kit and on the website.)
- Suffering – How can your pain be used for a purpose (big or small)? Write down specific pains you feel and the possible purposes for them. Where have you seen God’s presence in your suffering?
- Places – Consider all the places God has you right now (city, neighborhood, job, school, church, family, etc.). Are you discontent in your current places? Why or why not?
- People – Who do you need? Who needs you? In what ways could you be more intentional about pursuing each of these people?
- Passions – What does your heart beat fast about? What is your passion? Where do you see this played out in your life? Where do you see the enemy being sneaky or killing it with comparison?
- Threads – Pull threads of all of the above on the same page and then write a letter to God… about your relationship with Him, your need for Him, the threads that are becoming clear, the things that are still unknown, and any feelings that come along with those unknowns.
- Living on Purpose – ASK:: So God, what do You want me to know? AND What do You want me to do? (plus so much more!!)
Louie Giglio // Finding Me in the Story of We // Passion 2022
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