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Open Our Bibles

:: Leviticus 8 – 11 :: Priestly Duties & God’s Presence in the Fire

September 4, 2024

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Welcome back to the book of Leviticus, my OOBTers! Today, we're diving into the ordination of the priests and how Jesus is Our Great High Priest. How He is right beside us. Never far off. Never distant as the priests of the Old Testament were from the Israelites. I just love that, don’t you? So beautiful.

Together we'll see how Moses follows God's instructions for the ordination of Aaron and his sons, preparing them for service. In Leviticus 9 we recognize all the offerings we’ve studied already, but this time offered for the priests themselves. I can’t help but notice the order of all this: sin had to be dealt with first and THEN it happened – God’s glory appears in a miraculous fire that consumes the offering on the altar as a sign of God’s acceptance and presence dwelling with them in the Tabernacle. And then we’ll witness the Israelites fall facedown in worship (more on that in today’s episode too.) They bowed down in honor of our God who wants to be with us. So good.

Honestly friends there is so much more in today’s episode…the importance of keeping God’s fire burning, the tragic story of Nadab and Abihu, and many laws about clean and unclean animals. Through all of this, we'll uncover the deep significance of holiness and obedience in our relationship with God. And there’s that word again… holiness. My how that one has become such a valuable part of our studies in the book of Leviticus!

Annndddd please be sure to listen in to the very end of this one as I have an important last-minute announcement about the podcast to share with all of you… about what one of those unexpected things life throws our way means for OOBT in the days and weeks to come. I so you hope you listen in!


Michelle-Fahring-Open-Our-Bibles-with-mfahring-podcast_leviticus 8-11

// Show Notes //

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Bible Project // Guide to the Book of Leviticus

Bible Project // Book of Leviticus

Bible Project // Leviticus – Torah Series


First 5 // The Hard & The Holy - What the Book of Leviticus Means for Us Today //

Spoken Gospel // Leviticus

At the Table With Jesus // Louie Giglio

Passion City Church // The Great High Priest


Matt Redman // Better Is One Day/ Facedown (Live)

Matt Redman // Facedown


First 5 // The Books of Leviticus & Hebrews //

She Reads Truth // Leviticus //


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I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
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Bible study partner to many.


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