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Open Our Bibles

:: Leviticus 5 – 7 :: The Holiness & Presence of Our God + Those Offerings

August 21, 2024

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Welcome back to the Open Our Bibles Together podcast! As promised at the end of our last episode, back to school equals back to the podcast after a much-needed summer break. It is honestly mind-blowing to consider all of the changes happening in our home and lives this Fall which makes me SUPER GRATEFUL I had the opportunity to slow down and soak in all of the times our F7 family spent together in Summer 2024. It truly was quite a blessing, BUT NOW, I’m back and VERY ready to dive into our studies in the book of Leviticus together.

Sooooo, as a bit of a refresher, please recall that Leviticus picks up right where Exodus left off. At the end of Exodus, we saw that God filled the tent with His glory after the Tabernacle was completed, but His presence was too holy, so not even Moses could enter. The question Exodus left us with is this… How can we live in the presence of our holy God? Well, friends, we find that answer in the book of Leviticus!! How’s that for an enticing teaser to an often overlooked and frequently abandoned book of the Bible?! LOL!

As we pick up today (and before we explore Leviticus chapters 5 through 7), we first take a step back to consider a couple 30,000 feet/big picture story type views I found on repeat over and over and over again in my studies... this time by focusing in on the themes of God’s holiness and His Presence among His people. God With Us. So good.

In this episode, we’ll also unpack the various offerings described in these chapters, including the Sin Offering, Guilt Offering, Burnt Offering, Grain Offering, and Peace Offering. We discuss the significance of these sacrifices, their role in atonement and purification, and how they point us to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Honestly, there’s all this and so much more in this first episode release after our OOBT summer break! Be sure you don’t miss out on this one! I can’t wait to study with you!

Michelle-Fahring-Open-Our-Bibles-with-mfahring-podcast_leviticus 5-7

// Show Notes //

MFahring’s Facebook //

MFahring’s Instagram //

MFahring’s Website //

MFahring’s Bible Study Resources //


Bible Project // Guide to the Book of Leviticus

Bible Project // Book of Leviticus

Bible Project // Leviticus – Torah Series

Bible Project // Holiness


Spoken Gospel // Leviticus

Lamb of God: Seeing Jesus in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy // Nancy Guthrie

Christ Centered Exposition // Exalting Jesus in Leviticus //

First 5 // The Hard & The Holy - What the Book of Leviticus Means for Us Today //

First 5 // The Books of Leviticus & Hebrews //

She Reads Truth // Leviticus //


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****Link for the My Must Have Study Resources PDF Freebie!!***

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I'm Michelle, but some of my closest friends call me M, and I absolutely
LOVE being a podcast host +
Bible study partner to many.


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