In today’s episode, M continues our study of Job’s story together. Our reading starts with Job having to endure the bad advice, harsh words, and untrue accusations from the second of his three friends, Bildad. We then return to the courtroom so to speak as we did in the heavenly courtroom scenes between God and Satan, the Accuser, in chapters 1 + 2, but this time it is Job requesting a personal appearance before God Himself to plead his case. Be sure to listen in to hear how Job presents his case of innocence against what he believes is the unjust God of the universe. Talk about the court case of the ages…You certainly won’t find this one on Law and Order! Sounds intriguing, right?! M thinks so too!
You also don’t want to miss out on M’s deep dive into how God can and does use the shattered dust moments in our lives + a challenge at the end.
OOBT friends, you certainly can’t miss this one!

// Show Notes //
Just to be sure we don’t miss them, below are the questions M mentioned in today’s podcast… the ones she asked you to press pause to respond to after she read excerpts from Lysa TerKeurst’s book, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way. It will be time well spent as we consider the ways God is using these dust moments in our lives more than we could ever imagine at first glance (or the 500th glance even right?!).
- Often, we want God to fix our lives back to what they once were, but what if He wants to create something completely new?
- Do we need to be in control? Or can we trust God is offering the best of Himself to us?
MFahring’s Website //
MFahring’s Bible Study Resources //
Though You Slay Me // Shane & Shane featuring John Piper
Bible Project // Book of Job // Overview
Bible Project // Book of Job // Wisdom Series
YouVersion // NLT + Message // Parallel View
Spoken Gospel //
First5 App // Suffering & Sovereignty
The Message Devotional Bible //
NLT Life Application Study Bible
NLT Illustrated Study Bible
NIV Faithlife Study Bible // Print Edition
It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way // Lysa TerKeurst
The Bible Recap // Book + Podcast//
Life.Church // Doubting God // Craig Groeschel //
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