Why God?
Have you ever found yourself whispering or even yelling these words out loud? Oh friends, M has too.
Listen in to today’s episode as we find Job heartbroken as he remembers how good his life had been. We would have understood if this was Job’s tipping point, right?! BUT Job still cries out to God. It is a despairing cry, but a cry nonetheless: “I cry out to you for help, but You do not answer me.” His words foreshadow the ultimate cry of despair when Christ hangs on a cross and asks, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
As we consider that God had his own Son go through suffering, not around it, it should give us confirmation that if God allows us to go through sufferings and heartbreaks, then He absolutely has a plan to use those seasons for our good, the good of others, and for His glory. He does not waste our tears and we never walk alone - no matter how hard the journey.

// Show Notes //
MFahring’s Website // https://mfahring.com/
MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
Bible Project // Book of Job // Overview
Bible Project // Book of Job // Wisdom Series
YouVersion // NLT + Message // Parallel View
NLT Life Application Study Bible
The Jesus Bible // https://passionresources.com/collections/the-jesus-bible
First5 App // Suffering & Sovereignty
She Reads Truth // Suffering & the God Who Speaks
The Hard Good // Lisa Whittle
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