Ok friends, let's just start with this... there’s some really hard stuff found in Genesis 34-36. This one actually comes with a trigger warning as the subject of rape, abuse, and murder are all dealt with in Dinah’s story as found in Genesis 34.
However, as God often does, there is so much tenderness and steadfast love tucked in these chapters as well. Reminders that Jacob’s return to Bethel… to the place he had previously met with God – is also a valuable reminder to each of us to take time in our own lives to remember God’s faithfulness to us in gratitude and worship… to keep looking for those reminders of God’s faithfulness in our lives. The importance of returning to the places we previously met with God…where we saw His faithfulness… the importance of remembering.
Such a beautiful reminder for us all - even when we are unfaithful, God is faithful. Thank You God.
So with that in mind, please be sure to listen in for all of this and
so much more in today’s episode release of OOBT!

// Show Notes //
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MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
MFahring’s Show Notes // https://mfahring.com/show-notes/
First5 // Genesis // https://app.first5.org/book/Genesis
Christianity.com // What Do We Know about Jacob’s Daughter Dinah?
Patriarchs // Beth Moore
Knowing the Bible: Genesis // A 12 Week Study
Got Questions // What is the relevance of the genealogies in the Bible?
Woven // Angie Smith
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