In today’s extended episode, M continues our study of Abraham’s story together. M does admit she is struggling to stay within the allotted time frame for episodes as she keeps finding so many things that she feels she just must share. Guilty as charged! LOL!
With this in mind, our reading begins with Sarai taking matters into her own hands and her servant Hagar then running away to the wilderness to meet with the God Who Sees. Abram is renamed Abraham, Sarai becomes Sarah, Sodom & Gomorrah are destroyed, Lot’s wife looks back and is turned to salt + God steps in to once again free Sarah from Abraham’s lies – this time to King Abimelech.
Whew! That is A LOT but also sounds pretty intriguing, right?!
You also don’t want to miss out on M’s bit of a deep dive into how God can and does use the faithlessness often found in our lives for fulfilling His promises and purposes. When we are faithless, He is faithful.
Oh, OOBT friends, you certainly don’t want to miss this one!

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MFahring’s Website //
MFahring’s Bible Study Resources //
MFahring’s Show Notes //
Bible Project // Genesis 12-50 // Torah Series
Bible Project // Genesis 12-50 // Overview
The Bible Recap Podcast // Day 017
The Bible Recap Podcast // Day 018
First5 // Genesis //
She Reads Truth // Genesis
God’s Unbreakable Promises // RightNow Media + Jennie Allen
When God Shows Up: The Impossible Stories of Sarah and Hagar // The Terribly Bad Decisions of Sarai and The Outsider Hagar
Today’s Christian Woman // Hagar: The Woman Who Named God // Liz Curtis Higgs
Bad Girls of the Bible: Lot’s Wife // Liz Curtis Higgs
God, Turn It Around // Jon Reddick (Featuring Matt Maher)
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