Hello and Welcome to the book of Exodus OOBTers!
Listen in as M helps us with the framework of what is for us only a flip of the page from Genesis to Exodus but actually represents many years of hard living and struggle for the Israelites in Egypt. There is so much happening in the “in-between” of the continuation of that storyline. Genesis begins at creation and concludes with the events leading up to the Israelites’ time in the land of Egypt just prior to their slavery there. As we begin in Exodus in today’s episode, we are going to hear God’s plans to rescue the Israelites from Egyptian oppression. Annnnndd what a plan it is friends!!
M also leans in to process this thought with us… “The exodus is the defining moment in the Old Testament for the Hebrews as 9-11 is for us today or Jesus’ death and resurrection is for the New Testament.” Amazing to consider!
Be sure to listen in to hear more about Moses’ timeline + how Old Faithful and the faithfulness of God are seemingly unrelated but actually VERY related after all. Whew! All this and so much more in this first episode release after an OOBT summer break in the month of July… truly quite a blessing to spend time with family (and in Orange Beach, AL even!) BUT NOW, M is back and VERY ready to dive into our studies in the beginning chapters of the book of Exodus together!

// Show Notes //
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MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
Bible Project // Book of Exodus Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1)
Bible Project // Exodus 1-18 – Torah Series
OOBT // Episode 1 // https://mfahring.com/why-a-bible-study-podcast/
OOBT // Episode 31 // https://mfahring.com/called-to-go-in-2023/
OOBT // Episode 43 // https://mfahring.com/bonus-prequel-to-exodus/
I am not but I know I am // Louie Giglio
SRT// Exodus // https://shereadstruth.com/plans/exodus/
SRT// Life of Moses // https://shereadstruth.com/plans/the-life-of-moses/
SRT // Exodus // Week 1 with Jen Wilkin //
First 5 // How Do I Get Through This? An Exodus Study //
First 5 // Exodus // https://app.first5.org/book/Exodus
God of Deliverance // Jen Wilken //
The Lamb of God: // Nancy Guthrie //
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