Welcome back OOBTers! This episode is both a BONUS and a PREQUEL to our upcoming studies in the book of Exodus. As M has been digging in to prep for this time together, she’s found so many things to share with you to help us transition from Genesis to Exodus. Truthfully, there are so many valuable things for us to hear … so many things discovered that M decided we would just make time for them in a BONUS + PREQUEL episode in an effort to help set us up for what is to come.
The Big Picture. 400/430 years. Waiting. Slavery in Egypt. Suffering. God hears. God sees. God remembered. God provides. Promise Keeper. God knew. God knows. Oh goodness.
Truly there’s so much to share in this one!
PLUS, spoiler alert here, near the end of today’s episode, M will be sharing some information about an upcoming summer break for OOBT. Given that pause, she wanted to set us up to be ready to dive right into Exodus chapters 1-3 when the podcast returns from this break in early August. Pretty sure that’s most certainly one of the benefits of being the podcast host, right?! Deciding when and how we move on as we journey through these books of the Bible. LOL!

// Show Notes //
MFahring’s Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/michelle.fahring/
MFahring’s Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/mfahring/
MFahring’s Website // https://mfahring.com/
MFahring’s Bible Study Resources // https://mfahring.com/bible-study-resources
Bible Project // Book of Exodus Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1)
Bible Project // Exodus 1-18 – Torah Series
First5 // How Do I Get Through This? // https://app.first5.org/book/An%20Exodus%20Study
She Reads Truth // Exodus // https://shereadstruth.com/plans/exodus/
First5 // Exodus // https://app.first5.org/book/Exodus
40 Days Through the Bible: The Answers to Your Deepest Longings // Lysa TerKeurst & the Proverbs 31 Ministries Team https://proverbs31.org/study/online-bible-studies/40-days
God’s Unbreakable Promises // RightNow Media + Jennie Allen
The Jesus Bible // https://passionresources.com/collections/the-jesus-bible
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